Sunday, October 25, 2009

Constraint-Induced(CI) movement therapy, there seems to be no limit to the amount of different therapy techniques. CI seems to be promising. It makes sense that it would rewire the brain to build new pathways for the affected limbs.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

My husband has a doc's appt. next week to inquire about the medication Provigil for fatigue. I hope this is a solution to the problem.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I just read a post on a stroke survivors group where one of the survivors was sharing that she was seeing significant recovery in her walking, 12 years out from her stroke.Wow! That was encouraging and refreshing to read, especially when the road is so long. The brain does continue to heal indeed.
My husband is currently investigating new meds to help with post stroke fatigue/sleep. I've heard that some stroke survivors use Ritalin to help with the excessive sleeping and attention /focus issues, but I've also read about Provogil. The descriptions said less side effects than Ritalin. Hopefully my husband can get his doctor to work with him on this issue. I wonder if other head injury survivors have used either of these meds to help?